COVID-19 Information
The Illinois Department of Health announced that DuPage County can move to Phase 4 starting Wednesday, February 3, 2021.
Daily Herald Article announcement
Phase 4 guidelines are below:
While I have your attention – Coupon Corner goes out Thursday. Get your coupons up by Wednesday at noon to be included in the email blast on Thursday going to over 2300 subscribers, and postings to several neighborhood Facebook groups. If you need help, reach out to the Chamber: [email protected]. February is Valentine’s Day month, add a special Valentine promotion.
Phase 4 Guidelines per Restore Illinois
- Gatherings: All gatherings of 50 people or fewer are allowed with this limit subject to change based on latest data & guidance
- Travel: Travel should follow IDPH and CDC approved guidance
- Health care: All health care providers are open
- Education and child care: P-12 schools, higher education, all summer programs, and child care open with IDPH approved safety guidance
- Outdoor recreation: All outdoor recreation allowed
- Manufacturing: All manufacturing open with IDPH approved safety guidance
- “Non-essential” businesses: All employees return to work with IDPH approved safety guidance; Employers are encouraged to provide accommodations for COVID-19-vulnerable employees
- Bars and restaurants: Open with capacity limits and IDPH approved safety guidance
- Personal care services and health clubs: All barbershops, salons, spas and health and fitness clubs open with capacity limits and IDPH approved safety guidance
- Entertainment: Cinema and theaters open with capacity limits and IDPH approved safety guidance
- Retail: Open with capacity limits and IDPH approved safety guidance
To prepare businesses and employers to implement new and updated safety guidelines in Phase 4, the State of Illinois has developed this business toolkit complete with signage, posters, and other resources to ensure business and activities are conducted in accordance with the latest public health recommendations. Visit the DCEO COVID-19 Phase 4 Page for further business specific details.
Post-pandemic: Vaccine, effective and widely available treatment, or the elimination of new cases over a sustained period of time through herd immunity or other factors.
IDPH will closely monitor data and receive on-the-ground feedback from local health departments and regional healthcare councils and will recommend moving back to the previous phase based on the following factors:
- Sustained rise in positivity rate
- Sustained increase in hospital admissions for COVID-19 like illness
- Reduction in hospital capacity threatening surge capabilities
- Significant outbreak in the region that threatens the health of the region
It is important not to lose this opportunity. Continue to be vigilant with your hand and surface washing. Keep socially distant and enforce these precautions with your staff and customers. Masks ON Businesses OPEN.
Vaccination Locations
Find vaccination locations on the map.
Get appointment info using listed links.
As the federal government distributes additional vaccine doses, additional appointments will become available. New sites and pharmacies are being added daily. Please check back regularly for available appointments.
Phase 1A In Illinois
The 1a priority population includes frontline healthcare works as well as residents and staff of long-term care facilities and other congregate care settings. The goal is to fortify the healthcare workforce by removing the most exposed workers from the cycle of illness and infection as well as protect our most vulnerable residents. Most recent evaluations of Illinois’ healthcare workforce, along with nursing home and long-term care facility residents and staff, estimate that approximately 850,000 Illinoisans qualify for Phase 1A. Healthcare vaccinations began on December 15, 2020, with the federal government’s nursing home and long-term care vaccination program delivering its first shots on December 28, 2020. The state estimates that all interested residents in Phase 1A will be vaccinated in the coming weeks.
Hospitals Setting
Eligible personnel
- Nurses and Nursing Assistants
- Physicians/Nurse
- Practitioners/Physician Assistants
- Respiratory Technicians
- Pharmacists
- Environmental Services Staff
- Phlebotomist
- Infectious Waste Workers
- COVID Sample Lab
- Organ Harvester
- Students on Clinical Rotations
- Dietary staff
- Clergy/pastoral/chaplains
- Interpreters
- Crisis intervention staff
- Laundry or security staff
- Reception Staff
- Emergency Medical Services (EMS)
- Fire Department Staff acting as EMS
- Air Medical Transport (Rotor &Fixed Wing)
- X Ray Technician
Long term care facilities
- Skilled nursing facilities
- Assisted living facilities
- Intermediate care facilities for persons w/developmental disability
- Intermediate care facility for persons w/severe mental illness
- State run veterans’ homes
- State Operated Center for the Developmentally Disabled
- State Operated Mental Health Centers
- Residential treatment for substance use
Eligible personnel
- Nurses and Nursing Assistants
- Physicians / MD, NP, PA
- Respiratory Technicians
- Dentists and Hygienists
- Long Term Care Facility Staff
- Pharmacists
- Mental health clinicians
- Environmental Services Staff
- Reception Staff
- Medical Facility Surveyor
- Dietary staff
- Interpreters
- Laundry or security staff
Eligible residents
All residents of eligible settings detailed above
Non-hospital healthcare
- Medical Outpatient
- Public Health Clinics
- LHD Points of Distribution (POD’s)
- Federally Qualified Health Center
Eligible personnel
- Nurses and Nursing Assistants
- Physicians/Nurse Practitioners/Physician Assistants
- Respiratory Technicians
- Dentists and Hygienists
- Pharmacists
- Plasma and Blood Donation Staff
- Morticians
- Public Health Nurses
- Home Health/Aid
- School Nurses
- Optometrist
- COVID Testing Staff
- Dermatologist
- Dialysis staff
- Urgent care workers
- Corrections nurses/aides
- Medical/flight transport
- Physical/occupational/speech
- Therapists
- Vaccine clinic workers
Other congregate care
- Continuing care residential
- Residential care adult homes
- Supportive housing for seniors
- Supportive residential for persons w/developmental disability
- Supportive residential for persons w/severe mental illness
- Community Integrated Living Arrangement
- Supervised residential for persons w/developmental disability
- Supervised residential for persons w/severe mental illness
Eligible personnel
- Nurses and Nursing Assistants
- Physicians / MD, NP, PA
- Respiratory Technicians
- Group Home/Residential Staff
- Pharmacists
- Environmental Services Staff
- Reception Staff
- Home Aide/Caregiver
- Corrections nurses/assistants
- Congregate Care Surveyor
- Hospice/palliative care staff
- Community health workers when acting as health aid or health translator
Eligible residents
All residents of eligible settings detailed above
Phase 1B In Illinois
On January 25, 2021, Phase 1B began, allowing frontline essential workers and residents age 65 and over to get vaccinated. The frontline essential workers designation includes many residents who carry a higher risk of COVID-19 exposure because of their work duties, often because they are unable to work from home, and/or they must work closely with others without being able to socially distance. This includes first responders, K-12 education workers, food and agriculture, manufacturing, corrections workers and inmates, USPS workers, public transit workers, grocery store workers, and staff at shelters and daycares. To provide more equitable vaccine access to elder populations given data showing people of color die of COVID-19 at younger ages, Illinois lowered the age eligibility recommended by ACIP by 10 years, from age 75 to age 65. Illinois has 1.3 million people who qualify as “frontline essential workers” and 1.9 million adults age 65 and over, totaling 3.2 million eligible Illinoisans.
Eligible Individuals
- Age 65+
- First Responders – examples: Fire, law enforcement, 911 workers, security personnel, school officers
- Education (Congregate Child Care, Pre K through 12th grade) – examples: Teachers, principals, student support, student aids, day care workers
- Food and Agriculture – examples: Processing, plants, veterinary health, livestock services, animal care
- Manufacturing – examples: Industrial production of good for distribution to retail, wholesale or other manufactures
- Corrections Workers and Inmates – examples Prison/jail officers, juvenile facility staff, workers providing in person support, inmates
- United State Postal Services Workers
- Public Transit Workers – examples: Flight crew, bus drivers, train conductors, taxi drivers, paratransit drivers, in person support, ride sharing services
- Grocery Store Workers – examples: Baggers, cashiers, stockers, pick-up, customer service
- Shelters/Adult Day Care – examples: Homeless shelter, women’s shelter, adult day/drop-in program, sheltered workshop, psycho social rehab